Have Patience
Wow, creating a Wireless Internet Service Provider network takes a lot of patience! We’ve now been working on this for six months and it seems at times like I have not made any progress. At least, currently we don’t have anything physical working, however, there has been a lot of groundwork completed.
What has been accomplished:
- Non-disclosure agreement signed with provider
- Master Service agreement signed with provider
- Sales Order signed with provider
- Dozens of potential users identified and interested
- Location for base station has been confirmed
What is next:
- Friday May 18th – Provider on site estimating construction costs
- Estimate approved by provider (1 Week)
- Contractor selected to do the physical installation (1 Week)
- Physical Fiber connected to NOC (network operations center) (1 – 3 Weeks??)
- Initial testing of high-speed internet (1 Week)
- Early adopters installation (2 Weeks)
- Full Deployment to phase I users (2 Weeks)
- Extended Deployment to phase II users (4 Weeks)
So the big delay could be with the physical hookup, but we’ll have to see. I have an optimistic goal of having high-speed internet by June 1st, but that is probably going to be July 1st if I’m being realistic. That means that we’ll be in full deployment with high-speed wireless capability by mid-August.
Only time will tell!